
the future
will be technological

TechToMed creates the necessary impulse between technology and health to operate your future model

In view of the acceleration of healthcare needs (aging population, chronic diseases …),
In view of the growing demand for quality in healthcare,
In view of the growing demand for efficient healthcare in a tense economy,
In view of the rise of “data driven” and increasingly personalized healthcare (precision medicine),
In view of unprecedented health risks,  

We believe that technologies bring and will bring the new SOLUTIONS to meet these multiple challenges.

TECHTOMED’s ambition is:

to create the link between the technology and the medical worlds,
to enlighten and translate how technologies will change healthcare for patients,
for healthcare providers and for industry players,

to accelerate innovation by operating future models.

The needs are becoming clearer and faster
Innovate: technologies open up a new world of possibilities in healthcare: from R&D to patient follow-up.

: technologies are changing the speed of medical and scientific communication, changing the traditional interactions between industry, healthcare professionals and patients.

: all the actors who lack skills and expertise in these technologies.
For whom?

Thanks to its experience in the pharmaceutical industry and its partners, TechToMed is committed to meeting the innovation and progress challenges in the pharmaceutical industry.


In the field of technological transformation and new relationship models

In the innovation processes that enhance the value of new technologies in health

Original events with a very high value of exchanges and networking…

Boards of experts for the development of the new technologies’ use in health…